This is a template that I designed for my team at Marcus & Millichap, which was used for dozens of e-blast campaigns per month, reaching over 10,000 pre-qualified investors.
It includes a branding identity that I developed, which establshed The Kristol Group as a leading entity among over 100 Marcus & Millichap agents operating throughout South Florida. This branding identity, while unique within the marketplace, also conformed to the tight constraints of Marcus & Millichap’s branding guidelines.
The template was initially created in Constant Contact’s WYSIWYG editor, then imported into Dreamwever for the purpose of quickly adding tabular elements that Constant Contact does not support out-of-the-box. I then tweaked the HTML code by hand, and performed rigorous user testing, verifying that the result would reproduce faithfully in all major email clients (i.e. Android, AOL, Apple Mail, Gmail, iOS, Outlook), re-tweaking the code as issues presented themselves.